Research studies have shown the significance of a healthy childhood in the holistic well-being of an adult. Children and adolescents who have gone through any kind of physical, psychological and/or emotional trauma need to be rehabilitated to let them grow and reach their potential. Children and adolescents need a peaceful and nurturing environment to go through their developmental years. Nutrition and cognitive stimulation influence the process of intellect development and learning. A challenging childhood can negatively impact an adult for no fault of his/her own.
Rehabilitation includes the provision of healthcare services and counselling services as well as providing education for children. It also involves gender-sensitive education, skills training and vocational training opportunities for adolescents.
In addition, social safety nets and alternate economic opportunities are provided for families vulnerable to child labour. Rehabilitation provides education and comprehensive social services to keep children protected and grow with the loving support of their families.
The maintenance of a healthy support system is crucial in the rehabilitation of children and adolescents. Parents or caregivers need to be educated to achieve this difficult goal. Learning starts in early childhood and plays a significant role in various aspects of the development of a child. And this may influence the life skills and a child's adaptability to his or her surroundings throughout the formative years.